Financial Accounting For B Com – B Com(H)

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Course Description

Bachelor of Commerce in Financial Accounting 

Bachelor of Commerce in Financial Accounting  is an undergraduate Commerce course. Financial Accountancy is the field of accountancy concerned with the preparation of financial statements for decision makers, such as stockholders, suppliers, banks, employees, government agencies, owners, and other stakeholders. B.Com. is generally three academic year degree course and it may be provided on part time basis by certain institutes. The duration of the course is three years and it career orienting in nature that opens many job scopes for them after its completion.


B.Com Financial Accounting: Syllabus and Course Description Table

Semester ISemester II
Financial AccountingFinancial Accounting II
Principles of ManagementBusiness Environment
Business CommunicationBanking Services
Managerial EconomicsIndian Economy
Verbal abilityQuantitative Aptitude and Reasoning – I
Semester IIISemester IV
Advanced Company Accounts –IAdvanced Company Accounts –II
Principles of FinanceEntrepreneurial Development
Legal System in BusinessBusiness Taxation
MarketingHuman Resource Management
Business Statistics – IBusiness Statistics II
Corporate FinanceOrganizational Behaviour
Insurance and Risk managementBank Credit Management
Open Elective – IOpen Elective – II
Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning –IICommunication Skills
Semester VSemester VI
Practical Cost AccountingManagement Accounting and Practices
Income Tax Law and Practice -IIncome Tax Law and Practice -II
Research MethodologyInternet Concepts
Computer Applications in AccountingProject work and Viva voce
Financial ManagementInvestment Analysis and Portfolio Management
Customer Relationship ManagementWorking Capital Management
Introduction to mutual fund analysisFinancial Derivatives and Risk Management
Practical AuditingDevelopment of Small Business
Environmental StudiesPersonality development